Liberal Party
- Elected as Congress Representative of the 1st District of Agusan del Norte in
1987, reelected in 1992 and 1995 being the youngest elected congresswoman in Philippine
History and the youngest third-termer of the House Representatives.
- Her Major legislation includes the amendment of the Balikbayan program, the Tourism
Infrastructure Bill, the Creation of Caraga Region 13, the AFP Modernization and the Magna
Carta for Small Enterprises to include Tourism.
- Full Colonel (Reserve), Philippine Airforce with an Honorary Pilot Badge.
- Wing Commander for Mindanao, PAF Reserve Force, 3rd Air Wing
- Meritorious Service Award, 1991
- Outstanding Achievement Medal (OAM) for the surrender of the ragtag army Ex-Col.
Alexander Nobel in Agusan del Sur where she convinced their surrender to the government.